Your First Visit

Your first appointment with our office can last 45-60 minutes. You will be greeted by our receptionist and asked for personal contact information, including any workplace benefits you have that may cover the cost of your visit. 

You will be given a Health History to fill out and return to our receptionist. You will then be brought to a treatment room where the doctor will join you to discuss the reason for your visit, your health history and then proceed with an exam. The exam can include range of motion assessments, neurological testing and palpation of the area of concern.

As you will expect the doctor to listen to your chief complaint, the doctor will also expect honesty and integrity. 

The office follows the provincial privacy laws and the policies and procedures of practice from the College of Chiropractors of Ontario.

After the exam, the doctor will discuss their findings with you and suggest the appropriate treatments and treatment plan. If this agreed upon by both the doctor and you, then the first treatment will commence. 

During this visit and all subsequent visits, the doctor encourages discussion and questions regarding all aspects of your health and treatments. Building a partnership based on informed care is a cornerstone of the doctor-patient relationship.

Call for an appointment: 519-352-5555 or Book Online